[Larceny-users] Update of libraries and syntax-case available

William D Clinger will at ccs.neu.edu
Sat Jul 14 08:32:40 EDT 2007

Thank you!

The compat-larceny.scm file won't work with v0.94 (Doomsday
Device) because the new reader isn't customizable.  On the
other hand, the new reader implements the R6RS syntax so we
don't need to customize it any more.  A new version of the
compat-larceny.scm follows my signature.


;;; Larceny compatibility file (tested on Larceny version 0.94) 
;;; Uncomment appropriate LOAD comand in macros-core.scm
;;; July 14, 2007

; Most of this was written by Will Clinger by copying
; code written by Lars Hansen, Felix Klock, et cetera.

(require 'srfi-9)

; Approximation to unique token:

(define (ex:unique-token) (ex:unique-token1)) ; see below

; Native make-parameter takes two arguments, so change here:

(define larceny:make-parameter make-parameter)
(define (make-parameter val)
  (larceny:make-parameter "anonymous" val))

; There are three separate implementations of ex:unique-token,
; because each has problems.  For now, pick your poison.

; FIXME:  This might not work with Windows, and probably
; doesn't work with Common Larceny.

(define (ex:unique-token1)

  ; Returns the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
  ; If the argument is non-#f then it should be a bytevector of length
  ; at least 4, in which to store the time.  See time(2).

  (define unix:time
    (let ((_time (foreign-procedure "time" '(boxed) 'int)))
      (lambda (arg)
        (if (and arg
                 (not (and (bytevector? arg)
                           (>= (bytevector-length arg) 4))))
            (error "Invalid parameter to unix:time"))
        (_time arg))))

  (number->string (unix:time #f)))

; FIXME:  This works with all varieties of Larceny, but isn't
; as likely to be globally unique.

(define (ex:unique-token2)
  (number->string (memstats-elapsed-time (memstats))))

; FIXME:  This works with all varieties of Larceny, but
; writes a file in the current directory.

(define (ex:unique-token3)
  (let ((p (open-output-file "temp")))
    (write #f p)
    (close-output-port p))
  (let ((time (file-modification-time "temp")))
     (+ (vector-ref time 5)
        (* (vector-ref time 4) 60)
        (* (vector-ref time 3) 3600)
        (* (vector-ref time 2) 86400)
        ; assumes 31 d/m - just need unique number
        (* (vector-ref time 1) 2678400)
        (* (- (vector-ref time 0) 2000) 32140800)))))   

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