[Cs5500] wrapping it up tonight

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Dec 12 10:19:46 EST 2011

To conclude our exploration of software development, we will have
presentations and discussions tonight.

In addition to your project presentation, please address the following

Your performance evaluation:
What were your contributions to the the project?
How did you contribute to a successful acceptance test:
running fair tournaments with minimal user complaints?
Summarize your project(s) and contributions to debugging efforts.
Who in class helped you most to achieve your objectives?

What should we have done differently to pass a successful acceptance test
much earlier with happy users?
What is the technical debt that you have introduced? How would you estimate
the technical
debt of SCG Court in its current state (what are the deficiencies that you
know but did not have time to repair)?

Quick intros to "technical debt" are here:
See you at 6 pm.

-- Karl
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