[Cs5500] Smart History file issue

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Wed Nov 30 17:46:31 EST 2011


We have found an issue with our current smart history files.
This is a sample history file for a tournament we ran yesterday :

As you can see, the responses get appended bottom up and every claim prints
all responses involved in the BinaryGame.
I believe this is linked to the createRpi method of the
Here is a block of code from this method:

if(oldClaim != null) {
        Claim originalClaim = newClaimOriginalClaim.get(oldClaim);

I think this step updates the newClaimOriginalClaim map with the current
claim and its set of responses.
But since the AgreementProtocolInterpreter is not being used now,
newClaimOriginalClaim is not being cleaned up.
This is the same list of claims that is passed to the SmartHistory class
Do you think this could be the problem?

We ran tournaments with the version before the patch(for new
agreementprotocol)  was integrated.
History files for these tournaments are as expected.

I am not exactly sure why these responses get appended to the list
everytime in the current versions.

Could you help us with this?

- Madhu
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