Sandeep Upendra Kamath kamath.s at husky.neu.edu
Wed Nov 16 07:50:37 EST 2011

Hii Madhu,

I have been testing the folder that you sent me on "tank.ccis.neu.edu" .
This is what i observed:

There was a problem with the bin directory you sent me and that might have
been the reason one of the undergrads got the ParseExceptions and errors
with build. I think its better if we compile the code on our side and
generate the bin folder for them to make sure our undergrads dont have to
worry about these errors.

I tried three different things:

*(1) TOURNAMENT NAME : "madhu_hsr_test1"    FOLDER ON SERVER:

I tried compiling our GenericSCG on local machine -eclipse and then copied
it to the server.

I followed the exact steps on the avatar designer guide (which means I ran
"ant" command too)
The game ran smoothly without any errors and completed all 6 turns

*(2) TOURNAMENT NAME : "madhu_hsr_test2_withoutbuild"  /
"madhu_hsr_test3_withoutbuild"  FOLDER ON SERVER: GenericSCG_WOBUILDCOPDJAR*

Kept the bin folder as it is. I followed all the steps exactly as it is
with only difference that after i ran "ant" while running the admin  I
copied the three jar files into the bin folder.

*Result "madhu_hsr_test3_withoutbuild" *: ran successfully without any


I followed the steps in the doc and kept the bin directory as it is.

Result: was unable to start the admin. Got file cannot be found exception
and parse errors.

*CONCLUSION:* Madhu i think the problem was with the class files in the bin
directory. I  suggest we give them the bin folder from our side. The
undergrads do not need to change anything on their side. Let them go about
running the tournament and avatars the same way that they have been doing
till now i.e the way it is mentioned in the avatar designer guide)

I went through the history files generated and did not find anything
unusual with it. Let me know if you need it.

Sandeep Kamath
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