[Cs5500] Testing current version of Generic SCG - Important !!

Sandeep Upendra Kamath kamath.s at husky.neu.edu
Wed Nov 16 06:56:54 EST 2011

Morning Professor,

In the first mail madhu wanted someone to test the current GenericSCG given
in the link in her mail. I have performed the tests on the SCGcourt and
sent the results of that to Mandhu and srinivaas too. Srnivaas wanted the
updated version of the court (player kicked out only in the binary game) to
be tested too. I wrote to moininsh and Haoran immediately to point me to
the updated version because i do not know where they have committed those
changes.I am awaiting their reply.

I will get in touch with them and test and merge their version into the
current undergraduate software.

In my opinion it would be better if either haoran or mohnish be there too
since they can walk me through the changes made by them which would make
debugging if any easier.

Sandeep Kamath
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