[Cs5500] The kicking-out Issue

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Mon Nov 14 22:44:03 EST 2011

Hello Everyone,

It is important for all of us to remember this:
An avatar, when kicked out, is kicked out by the playground (admin) .
Most times, it gets kicked out for its own faults, independent of the
avatar it plays against. Some examples are proposing invalid claims,
invalid number of claims, invalid number of responses etc.
Still we  award the other avatar points because we want to punish the
avatar that is kicked out.
So no avatar can really claim that it is better because it kicked a fellow
avatar out.
But since we want all players to play against each other an equal number of
times, we decided we would give all players equal points when an avatar is
kicked out.
This may not be perfect, but this is as fair as we can be.
Ultimately this is  a design question and the professor has the  final say

- Madhu
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