[Cs5500] Thursday's release updated

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Sat Nov 12 15:52:12 EST 2011

Hello Everyone,

Thursday's release has been updated with the latest HSRAvatar.beh file.
I have also cleaned up the whole bin folder. So you would have to build
first and then run the application.
There is no difference between this version and the previous in terms of
avatar's logic. We just cleaned up a few unused methods.
But to run your test tournaments on your local machine, I would suggest you
use Thursday's version or today's version, because they have changes in the
following files:

These changes are consistent across Thursday's and today's version. The
only new update today is the avatar.beh file (with some cleaned-up methods).
Here's the link:

- Madhu
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