Sandeep Upendra Kamath kamath.s at husky.neu.edu
Mon Nov 7 17:13:52 EST 2011

Dear Sir,

As you know various updates and changes have been made to the SCG software.
Different teams during
their respective assignments and tasks have either fixed some bug or
implemented new feature in the
SCG software. They have done so on their local machine and then uploaded to
their SVN trac. But i believe
each team has its own version of the most recent SCG court which they pick
up and work on.

 Professor I suggest we integrate all the changes done so far in one copy
of SCG software so that we
can safely then use only that version of court for our undergrads and for
future distribution. So that incidents
like a change made by a team not reflecting in the current version of
software used for undergrad tournaments
can be avoided.

Sandeep Kamath
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