Sandeep Upendra Kamath kamath.s at husky.neu.edu
Mon Oct 17 08:40:46 EDT 2011

Greetings  Professor,

I feel that our undergraduate students will  definitely find it a little
difficult to analyze the smart files of the games that have been played.
Since they would be handling such history files for the very first time, my
suggestion is that we provide them a key as to how to read the smart files
, which can be incorporated in the documentation that we will be providing
them. A short description of what each field represents with  an example
should suffice. If you give us the nod we would definitely help team
spartans come up with this key.

The HSR smart files are especially a little difficult to read as MaxN
parameter that we provided in the config file had a value of 1000. We are
thinking of a workaround for that. Any suggestion from you or other members
would be valuable.

I wrote to you in my previous mail that we ran HSR and MMG tournaments whose
results have been uploaded on the site.The tournament result page is now
uploaded by madhu in ".txt" format. For those games "Navi" always enrolled
as the teaching avatar. When ever root comes into picture , It has played as
a teaching avatar too. We did this, so that we could observe what happens
when teaching avatar  plays with another teaching avatar. Thank you.

Sandeep Kamath
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