[Cs5500] MMG Tournament this evening at 5

Madhuvanthi Balasubramanian balasubramanian.m at husky.neu.edu
Fri Oct 14 14:55:18 EDT 2011

Hello Everyone,

          Could we have 3 tournaments on the MMG Playground, this evening at
5 ?
          I'll send you the details of the tournaments and the servers in a
          Karan will be sending out the final configuration file that we
would use.
          Please reply to this mail if you'll be participating, or if not,
when your convenient time would be.
          You don't have to make any changes to your avatars. We have the
teacher avatars with us.
          So it would be alright for everyone else to use the baby avatars.
We just want to test the new protocol, and a 4 player scenario.

- Madhu
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