[Cs5500] Tonights avatar tests and remaining issues

Rick Keilty rkeilty at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Apr 22 13:37:43 EDT 2011

I have set up the HSR and CSP tournaments to run at 8pm tonight, you can
enroll in the new tournaments now by visiting the same login address as
before - http://agentx.ccs.neu.edu:7007/signin

Please use the same server/port assignments I sent out last time so we don't
have any conflicts.

History team, currently the history for all games gets dumped in the history
and smartHistory folders, and I don't see an easy way to determine what
history files belong to what tournament (thus it is difficult for me to
write code to display just the history files for a given tournament in the
web UI.  A few weeks ago we settled on the directory structure of
history/*tournament_id* and smartHistory/*tournament_id* for the history
files, so we would always know what tournament a history belonged to.  If
you can get that working, I can finish my front-end piece to display the
history via the web browser.

I will update the SCG Court build being used on agentx at 6:00pm tonight
with the latest commits.

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