[Cs5500] Web UI mockups, SCGCourts code, and other goodies

Rick Keilty rkeilty at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Mar 31 11:31:35 EDT 2011

Hey everyone, 

I did some work on modifying all of my web UI mockups based on our discussion today. You can find all the mockups in the PDF located in the documents SVN branch at https://www.assembla.com/code/msd-documentation/subversion/nodes/msd-documentation/mockups/SCG%20Court%20Web%20UI%20Mockups.pdf?rev=12. One cool thing, the PDF is interactive, meaning you can click on the "links" and "buttons" in the mockup browser and it will actually function slightly like we expect the final version to. You'll see how this works in the first page of the PDF. I look forward to feedback from the teams regarding this setup. 

Also, I'll be keeping these mockups up to date as we develop the software, so the documentation teams can use them in their final write-ups for the system. 

We also merged our code into the shared SVN repository last night, and James (from our team) is currently working on integrating with the common components and game teams to make the adjustments necessary to get everything working with our frontend. If you take a look at our code, the main entry point is currently gods.SCGAdmin, but we're going to be working on re-namespacing our code so it fits more in line with the rest of the shared repository, and doesn't explicitly mention our group name. The main chunk of code where "Games" need to be integrated is the run() method of the Tournament class, and the main area where we need to change our socket connectors are the places where TournamentManagerSocketListener objects are used. I would avoid touching our code until we get it to a good integrated state, but we wanted to get the code in the shared repository so people could start to look at what we're doing. 

Test teams, we build out our modules so they should be pretty easily unit testable (you can just instantiate the objects, and it should be easy to test adding players, tournaments, etc with JUnit). Let us know if you have difficulty parsing through some of our code. 

Again, let me know if you have any UI feedback, these mock-ups are super easy to change, and we'd rather get the UI locked down as early as possible so we can really start to develop the front-end stuff. 

-Rick & the GreekGods Crew 
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