[Cs5500] Test feedback for the scg.net package

Liang Yu yu.lia at husky.neu.edu
Wed Mar 30 13:25:17 EDT 2011

hi, implementor teams,

here is the feedback

in the PlayerSpec.java

1. create function the changeAddress function only call the constructor of
the PlayerSpec class, and the constructor of the PlayerSpec is a public
constructor, what do you mean by this, wanna to implement the singleton
pattern or other, could you explain it.

2. in the subclass PrefixName, there is the huh function. We found that it
will check the symbol ":" in the name field of the PlayerSpec, but there is
no explanation for user how to give the name for the name filed of the class

3. we make some test for the PlayerSpec.java, but we really need more
explanation for these codes.

in the PasswordFile.java

1. the field passwardhash need a hash function to hash the password entered

Thank you (Liang and PRX team)

College of Computer and Information Science,
Northeastern University
Tel: 718-501-0145
MSN: yuliang.name at gmail.com (this is my primary email)
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