[Cs5500] Admin signup and status use cases and mockups

Rick Keilty rkeilty at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Mar 28 13:00:38 EDT 2011

Greetings class, 

Below is a link to a document my team has put together with some use cases surrounding the SCGAdmin tournament manager and HTTP web interface. It may still be a little too ingrained with our actual technical implementation, but we're working on making it more generic. You can find the document at https://docs.google.com/ document/d/ 11rXsBo7UZqonV73IgdsqFUGU- SdbNn6O2XyiUCEKDmw/edit?hl=en& authkey=CM7Ux5oH Hopefully this helps the documentation team a bit, let us know what other changes or additional cases you want to see and we can make those for you. 

We've also done some mockups for how we'd like the HTTP interface to look for tournament signup, info, and status. It can also be found in the document. If anyone is looking for useful tools to do mockups or UML diagrams for their documentation, you might find the following helpful: 

* Dia ( http://projects.gnome.org/ dia/ ) - A free diagramming tool, which has lots of useful built in UML diagram components. 
* Balsamiq Moq ( http://balsamiq.com/products/ mockups ) - A great tool, which you can use for free over the web, to quickly make really nice looking UI mockups. I use it at my office quite a bit and you don't have to be a technical person to figure it out, literally 5 minutes and you'll have realized everything you can do with it, and why it's such a powerful mockup tool. 

Finally, we've actually started creating the thin HTTP server which handles status/signup/tournament creation, we soon hope to have it to a point where we can share with the class (since I recall most people are tackling the "game" portion already.) 

See you all this evening, 
Rick and the GreekGods team 
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