[Cs5500] trac system ready

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Sun Mar 6 12:35:40 EST 2011

Maziar has prepared Trac for your use.

I asked him to prepare the following directories:

1. one for each CSP avatar team, named after the team name, where only
the team can read and write and we (you, Ahmed and I) can view it

  1. Is intended for private work in your team that the teaching staff
can access.

2. playgroundModelMAXCSP RW by all

3. playgroundHSR RW by all

4. SCGCourt RW by all

  2.,3., are intended for game examples which define how
  games must be defined in SCG Court. 4. is intdened for
  the generic SCG Court software that takes a game definition as input.
  Please can Gautam and Ketan load 2 and 3 with their games.

Maziar writes:

The trac setup is done, and each team has a ticket. Students can go to
this link:

and upload their code.

Make sure you login into trac.

If you need further help with trac, send email to Maziar and me.

-- Karl

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