[Cs4800] HW3 question

Andrei Mackenzie andrei at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Sep 24 13:18:06 EDT 2010

Hello all,

Aaron and I are still confused about the inverse of the game for problem 1. In the first game (Alice challenges Bob), Bob tries to find an instance of a graph for which the inverse of the predicate in Alice's claim holds. In the second game, Bob makes the inverse of Alice's claim, and we agreed that Bob must select a c and challenge Alice to produce a G. If I understand correctly, the G that Alice produces must satisfy the inverse of Bob's claim, i.e. it must satisfy Alice's original claim from the first game.

This seems trivially easy for Alice to do with the particular predicate in the problem - I can think of the same graph that would do it regardless of the c that Bob chooses. Did I misunderstand something?

Thanks for your help!


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