[Cs4800] Fwd: Final Exam

Karl Lieberherr lieber at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Apr 6 21:52:27 EDT 2010

The class has spoken: it is a take-home final.

One of you has written this insightful statement:

I would prefer a take-home exam to a traditional final exam. This would
prevent repeating the rush that so many of us felt on the midterm. I have
also noticed that  in solving the homework problems, it helps to return to
the problem numerous times. I find that if I walk away from a problem after
toying with it unsuccessfully for as much as hours, and then return to it
later, more often than not the answer is obvious. Being able to walk away
can be a useful tool when trying to solve a problem, and a take-home exam
would provide means to use this tool.

This is a very important technique that we will discuss in class tomorrow. I
use it personally all the time.

-- Karl
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