[Cs4800] Midterm Reflection

No Name noname6589 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 24 12:00:46 EST 2010

Hello Professor

I would like to bring a few things to your attention.

First, I don't think that you understand the fact that time is limited. i.e. their was not enough time to answer all the questions that you gave. 

The questions that you gave take a significant amount of time to solve; just like the homework problems. Their complexity is no different than the homework problems; less problem one. The homework problems take a lot of time to solve, way more than 1 lecture period and over a span of 1 week.

Moreover, 45% of the exam was on lecture material that you covered in 1/2 a lecture. Do you honestly think this is fair?. I will be generous and say that you explained the material in 3 lectures, which is absolutely false, but even with this claim, do you honestly think 3 lectures is equivalent to 45% of the exam?

Do you also realize that CNF is no where to be found in the book OR the homework?

What you did
Bob takes a class in US History
Karl mentions in one lecture that the United States went to war with Iraq in the early 90's
Karl gives Bob and exam asking about intricate details about the Iraqi war
Bob Fails

Fair isn't it?

Can you compare questions 2, 3, 4 to any problems in the book? The answer is clearly no. And I challenge you to dispute this claim.

No amount of studying could have prepared anyone for this exam. I do feel sorry for anybody that studied hard for this exam because their time was useless.

I hope this email incites others to send emails as well.


No Name

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