[scponly] Extra characters in rsync arguments of scponly

Jérôme iutman at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 7 07:33:37 EDT 2009


I got a double bug using the latest version (4.8) of scponlyc (with the
4,6, it worked pretty well after a few tweaks in the .h files).

*** environment ***

I am using FreeBSD 7.2, OpenSSH_5.2p1, scponly 4.8, rsync version 3.0.6
protocol version 30.

*** 1st bug ***

I have 2 different linux clients that connect to a chrooted environment
from 2 different linux clients.

client1 : rsync version 2.6.9
client2 : version 3.0.6 (same than the server)

The same command line works for the "old" client1 and not for "client2".
The very same command line ! Here is the auth.log, there is an extra
".is" that appeared, I do not know what it is. the rsync options of my
command line are : "-avx --delete -e ssh -C --bwlimit=90 -F

*** auth.log ***
Oct  5 16:46:10 verdi scponly[76594]: option 'e' or a related long
option is not permitted for use with /usr/local/bin/rsync (arg was .is)
(username: client2(3401), IP/port: 54917 22))
Oct  5 16:46:10 verdi scponly[76594]: requested command
(/usr/local/bin/rsync --server -vlogDtprCxe.is --bwlimit=90 --delete .
sauvegardes/datas) tried to use disallowed argument (username:
client2(3401), IP/port: 54917 22))
Oct  5 16:46:37 verdi scponly[76627]: running: /usr/local/bin/rsync
--server -vlogDtprCx --bwlimit=90 --delete . /sauvegardes (username:
client1(3700), IP/port: 46600 22)

*** temporary resolution ***

I solved it temporarily using "--protocol=29" in the command line, to
have the same behaviour than with the 4.6 version of scponly

*** 2nd bug ***

I created a chroot environment, that really is executed and works (if I
do not copy the version of rsync, I get an error message about rsync
missing), my shell for the two users is /usr/local/sbin/scponlyc, but
when I connect in sftp... I can get the whole root of the server !

Thanks for your help !


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