[scponly] How can i install SCPONLY 4.8 on 64-Bit System?

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 27 09:07:55 EST 2008

Newsletter wrote:
> ok, scponly doesnÂŽt support sftp correct?
> Only scp jails are possible - right?
> why can i set this parameter?
> --with-sftp-server=/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
Of course it does, all I'm saying is don't just run a script someone 
else wrote...

Read the code, figure out why it doesn't work. For example, in my copy 
of that, there is no sftp-server in the script so the script I've looked 
at wouldn't be able to set up an sftp jail for me.

Try making your jail manually first and then script it yourself.

This is what I did and it works very well.

I have to go do some real work now, can't keep replying all afternoon... 


Hari Sekhon

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