[scponly] Why isn't scponlyc siphoning off the path following the double slash?

Maurice Volaski mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Sun Nov 4 01:03:44 EDT 2007

>Where exactly do you have the authorized_keys file?  You can configure
>sshd to look elsewhere if necessary.  It's often nice to put it
>somewhere completely out of the chroot where the user can't touch
>it... but that depends on your needs.

Thanks. This was the answer. I used the AuthorizedKeysFile keyword in 
sshd_config. It allows customization. It can specify different keys 
based on the user's identity and I hadn't realized it was that 

Maurice Volaski, mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Computing Support, Rose F. Kennedy Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

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