[scponly] Why isn't scponlyc siphoning off the path following the double slash?

Maurice Volaski mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Thu Nov 1 14:29:14 EDT 2007

>Please turn on debugging.  Details are in the FAQ but here's the summary:
>echo 1 > $INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/scponly/debuglevel
>Once you've done that, you can grab debug output from your syslog 
>daemon which will help us figure out what's going on.

Sorry, I didn't mention that I had debugging on. There are no 
messages logged about this or at all for that matter when I run it 
this way from scponly. I think that makes sense. It seems that sshd 
is reading /etc/passwd and scponlyc doesn't ever get to run. So how 
could the double slash mechanism ever work unless it were a feature 
of ssh? I'm running OpenSSH 4.7_p1.

>On 10/31/07, Maurice Volaski 
><<mailto:mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu>mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu> wrote:
>On a 64-bit Gentoo system, I have the following in /etc/passwd
>So /home/halllvd/planaria/ is the user's account on this system and
>also the chroot environment and it's owned by root, not this user.
>The .ssh directory for this user is in there, too.
>I can ssh to it given a bash shell here, and I can chroot to it, too.
>hallweb is the writable directory for this user within the chrooted
>environment and also the home in /etc/passwd of the chrooted
>Without the double slash present, rsync can write files in it. But
>with the double slash present, rsync cannot connect and I see in the
>sshd debug
>debug1: trying public key file
>So for some reason, sshd is receiving this whole path, double slashes
>and all. Shouldn't scponlyc be siphoning off that information, so
>sshd sees just the chrooted path, which is where the .ssh directory


Maurice Volaski, mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Computing Support, Rose F. Kennedy Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

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