[scponly] ssh key auth. using the same chroot env., possible?

bridavis at comcast.net bridavis at comcast.net
Wed Nov 29 23:13:16 EST 2006

First, is there anyway to search the mailing list archives?

I'm afraid the answer to this question is no, but I wanted to check first.

I have multiple users which I want to use key based ssh authentication. However, I don't want to build multiple chroot environments, since it would be just copying all the same files over and over for each user (i.e. n users = n chroot environments). I would have a single chroot base with different "incoming" directories which would only be writable to the respective user, and I'd use the scponly // magic to have each user placed into the right writable directory.

The problem is that sshd looks for .ssh/authorized_keys in the user's home directory (which I'm assuming is the /chroot base and not the writable "incoming" directory). In this case, only one .ssh/authoized_keys file can exist in the chroot env.

Is this correct? Is there a way around this?
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