[scponly] subversion and scponly - install and chroot questions...

Ensel Sharon user at dhp.com
Sat May 20 19:07:52 EDT 2006


I have never used Unison.  I have no idea how it works, and have no real
plans to learn.

However, enabling Unison support with scponly was easy - I installed
Unison itself on the server, and then ran ./configure for scponly with

Easy.  I didn;t configure anything, I didn't do much of anything at all -
it just works because it is present, and enabled in scponly.

Is subversion like this as well ?  Can I just install subversion, set up
nothing, do nothing, and just ./configure scponly with subversion support?

Or is there more to it when it comes to subversion ?

Further, any gotchas I should know about in running subversion with the
chrooted scponlyc binary ?  Or is it know to work fine ?


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