[scponly] Lost Connection

Mark Freeze mfreeze at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 16:43:05 EST 2006

I have installed scponly on Ubuntu Breezy Badger with the no additional or
other instuctions for the ./configure.  I encountered an error during
configuration with the 'getopt' variable in helper.c, but it seemed to be
corrected by changing 'extern int getopt' to 'int getopt' as was described
in an earlier post. I then did make, and make install and everything seemed
to work.  I edited /etc/shells and added /usr/local/bin/scponly.  I tried to
use the example given in INSTALL to add a user but my system continually
gave me an error of 'more than two users' so I added the user like this
'adduser scpload' then edited the home directory to /home/scpload and shell
to /usr/local/bin/scponly in /etc/passwd.

When I try to scp a file from a local machine on the LAN with the following
command 'scp test.txt scpload at x.x.x.x:'  The system will answer back asking
for the password, however, when I enter the correct password I get the error
'Lost Connection'.

Has anyone experienced the same problem or know what I could be doing wrong?

mfreeze at gmail.com
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