[scponly] sftp works scp does not

Pawel Mueller pawel.mueller at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Feb 10 11:30:58 EST 2006


I have a problem here and can't find a solution. It's the following:
There are many users who should be able to login to my server via
scponly. Most of them are using WINscp. Since winscp now supports sftp
logins, too, there is only a problem with the pure scp login. If I try
that there are some error messages I can't interpret:

Befehl 'groups'
fehlgeschlagen mit Beendigungscode 0 und Fehlernachricht
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000504c20 ***.

command 'groups'
failed with returncode 0 and failuremessage
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000504c20 ***.

after ignoring the same appears with 'pwd' instead of 'group'. This a
have to ignore very often, then I am loged in, but in a empty directory
and when try to do anything, a have to ignore the 'pwd' failures again,
but with no effekt.

I'm using SuSE Enterprise Distro
I compiled scponly-4.6 with:
./configure --enable-winscp-compat --enable-sftp-logging-compat
--enable-scp-compat --enable-rsync-compat --prefix=/usr/local/

I had to hack the configure script in the line where as_dummy variable
is defined, because my sftp-server ist in /usr/lib64/ssh/ and the
--with-sftp-server flag simply ignored the path a gave it :-/

so it would be great If sombody have an idea of what went wrong and how
I can fix it.

many thanks

Pawel Müller (Hiwi)                Information & Medien
                                   und Verwaltung
Universitaet Stuttgart
Allmandring 30
70550 Stuttgart                   http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de

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