[scponly] Integrating a file sharing system (long)

Kaleb Pederson kibab at icehouse.net
Fri Aug 25 00:28:23 EDT 2006

First off, everything seems reasonable ;)

IIRC, pam_ldap only supports one ldap.  I tried using pam_stack once to get 
multiple ldaps to work together, but it never worked and a number of searches 
seem to indicate that it wasn't possible.  If you could setup your system to 
hit a single ldap and then setup your scripts to populate that ldap you would 
be in pretty good shape in terms of authentication.

Now, regarding mounting and other things, it seems like you should be able to 
get away with a really simple patch to scponly.  I would probably modify it 
so that it executed a single program/script (possibly setuid root or before 
dropping permissions).  That script could then mount --bind the necessary 
directories and do any other customization that needed to happen.

Unmounting (unbinding) the filesystem would probably be problematic.  You 
wouldn't be able to guarantee that scponly could cleanly unmount the project 
directories, although cron might be able to help you there.  You might be 
able to use hard links instead, but I'm not sure if there are any security 
concerns that you would need to take into account were you to do that.  At 
least with hard links it would be pretty easy to write a script that verifies 
and removes hard links that should not exist at the time.

Hopefully that helps.


On Thursday 24 August 2006 12:44 pm, Sven Ulland wrote:
> Hi. I've started a project for a standalone file sharing system where
> people can use both sftp/scp and a web interface (WebDAV or something)
> for uploading and downloading files. This is to be used in a
> development environment where people can share builds and other files.
> The thing is, I want the entire system to resemble the design of
> mailman and similar systems: The admin can create "projects" (mailing
> lists in mailman) and add individual users (mail addresses in mailman)
> to the projects.
> Additionally, It would be truly sweet if each project could be
> assigned an owner (list owner in mailman) that can add or remove
> project members without bothering the admin for every little change.
> The user base is kept in a local LDAP database, and the users are a
> mixture of both internal (fetched from the main company LDAP database)
> and external (added to the local LDAP database as needed) participants.
> An example:
> * Admin creates a project called "foobar-sdk".
> * Admin assigns the user "joeblow" as project owner. (optional)
> * joeblow or admin can use some sort of script or interface to add
>   users to the project.
>    - If the user is internal, fetch username and password from the
>      main company LDAP database and store it in a local LDAP database.
>    - If the user is external, add the user to the local LDAP database
>      and set a password.
>    - Set the users' homedirs to /opt/users/<user>//files (chroot to
>      user homedir with scponly).
>    - Add them to the appropriate posix groups (projects).
> * Now the users can log in and upload/download files in any project
>   they are members of.
> This presents some challenges in regards to scp/sftp with scponly:
> * A user "jane" can be a member of several projects, for example
>   "foobar-sdk" and "parrot-db". A though-of solution to this is to use
>   something like this upon login with sftp/scp/web:
>     "mount --bind /opt/projects/foobar-sdk
> /opt/users/jane/files/foobar-sdk" "mount --bind /opt/projects/parrot-db
> /opt/users/jane/files/parrot-sdk" .. so that jane can see all her projects
> (and her own files) when logging in with scp/sftp.
> * Also, each project folder (/opt/projects/*) would have the setgid
>   bit set, so that the group membership is maintained for uploaded
>   files.
> This must surely call for code modification in scponly or the pam ldap
> modules? What I'm thinking of doing is:
> - In the LDAP database, each user can have a list of groups he/she is
>   a member of (groups would here be projects, really).
> - When the user logs in, scponly/pamldap fetches the list of groups
>   and mounts all the project directories in the user's own homedir
>   using "mount --bind".
> - umount the project folders when logging out, or perhaps using a
>   cronjob if it's hard to tell whether a user has logged out or not.
> Maybe I have to allow sudo access to the "mount" command for the ssh
> user?
> (On a sidenote, I also plan to have an automated revision system for
> all files: Using inotify (to see when directory contents change), I'll
> run rsync to a backup directory so that the user always can go back to
> previous versions of the files.)
> So, any comments or suggestions on where to start or what to do?
> regards,
> Sven U
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