[scponly] scponly and umask

mephi matthew.j.green at ntlworld.com
Thu Aug 24 03:11:13 EDT 2006

I've got a directory on a server that a group of users have as a secure
storage area. I've used scponly to make sure they all can only access the
one area, this works really well (thankyou =).


I'm trying to set a umask of 007 for the area so that the users can all
change any file/directory that's been uploaded, but it's not working.


I've made a wrapper for sftp-server as detailed in the thread here:



This works for non-scponly users, but not those who have scponly as their
shell. I've also tried wrapping the executable in the scponly area with the
script, but that didn't work.


Does anyone know how to make scponly work with umask?








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