[scponly] ssh and scponly related query.

Benjamin Donnachie benjamin at pythagoras.no-ip.org
Thu Sep 15 15:35:45 EDT 2005

"J.D. Baldwin" <baldwin at panix.com> wrote: 
>> Though this might not matter as ben2 could remain chroot'ed with scp as
>> its shell and ben1 be "un-chrooted" with bash...  Do you know whether 
>> public key authentication will work even if a user's password is 
>> disabled?  (Unfortunately, I'm off site at the moment so can't check)  
>> As, if so, this would be an ideal solution! :-)

>The answer to the above question depends on the OS and the way you
>disable the password.  

I'm currently using Fedora Core 3 - I'll have a look when I get back on 

>Solaris 9/10 have fixed some irritating deficiencies in their password-
>disabling methods.  If the password is *locked* -- e.g., "*LK*" in the 
>shadow file, OpenSSH won't let you log in even with a key.  If the 
>password is "no password" -- e.g., "NP" in the shadow file, you'll be 
>allowed in as long as you have some way of authenticating without a 

I shall keep my fingers crossed! :-)

>Another option would be to use the AuthorizedKeysFile directive in
>sshd_config to give ben1 a key while ben2 gets none and therefore has
>to use a password.

It doesn't matter if both the file transfer and full shell account both use 
public key authentication; however, I don't want the full shell account 
using passwords.

Many thanks for your help - I'll let you know how things go when I get back 
on site! :)

Take care,

benjamin at pythagoras.no-ip.org

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