[scponly] Patch for changing passwords outside of chroots

Kaleb Pederson kpederson at mail.ewu.edu
Fri Mar 25 12:44:20 EST 2005

I have attached a patch which enables support for changing a password before 
entering the chroot, if a chroot is in use.

I believe the patch is complete and functional, but please let me know if I 
missed something.  I have tested this patch against scponly-4.0 under Linux 
and AIX using Linux and Windows SSH clients, and everything worked correctly.

For those of you who test it out in Linux, "-t" is required to ssh so that a 
tty gets setup.  If it isn't get setup, some passwd programs refuse to work 
at all (AIX), and others echo everything typed (Linux).

I think that's about it....  Let me know if you have any questions.  On a 
final note, thank you to all those who provided me feedback and help.

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