[scponly] Problem Chrooting Deep Paths

Karl Bolingbroke kbolingbroke at mavericktube.com
Wed Jul 13 14:56:31 EDT 2005

I'm using Scponly 4.1 HP-UX 11.11 and have run across what is either a bug or an undocumented limitation.  I'm trying to chroot the scp/sftp user.  It works just as expected when the chroot directory is /home/usrname, but if I change the chroot directory to a path more than two directories deep, it fails with the error "failed: /usr/local/libexec/sftp-server with error No such file or directory".  The chroot directory is properly set up and sftp-server IS in the directory named.  Just to verify, I created a soft link under /home pointing to the download directory (which is 5 directories deep), and pointed the user's chroot directory to this link.  That works just fine, but pointing it to the real path fails.  I also verified that my OS's chroot does NOT have a problem with the real path.
So it looks like there is some issue with using deep directory paths.  I don't know if that's an intended design limitation, a bug, or just a weird quirk on my compile on HP-UX.  I'm not a C coder, or I'd look myself.
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