[scponly] key based authentication

Paul Hyder Paul.Hyder at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 10 10:59:15 EST 2005

We use DSA keys without problems.  You might want to modify the 
sshd config file to move the keys to an alternate location.
Look for AuthorizedKeysFile if you use OpenSSH.  Change the location,
populate the user keys, and restart sshd. (Jailed configurations
probably want the keys to be both NOT user managed and in a location
not visible from the chroot'd location. Your level of paranoia may vary.)

Let me know if you have problems.  Turning on logging in sshd also
usually helps.
    Paul Hyder
    NOAA Forecast Systems Lab
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I've been using scponly for a while now and love it. I recently had a 
request to by a user to automate their scponly login with key based 
authentication. So far my attempts haven't been successful.  Is this 
type of authentication possible using scponly? Thank you for your 

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