[scponly] scp failing in chrooted environment

Anthony Brock Anthony_Brock at ous.edu
Mon Apr 11 14:41:17 EDT 2005

Check to ensure that you have a etc/passwd file AND that it contains an entry for the user. Also, it doesn't hurt to check the etc/groups file.


>>> Paul Jones <shagreel at gmail.com> 04/11/05 10:19AM >>>
I have set up scponly and it is almost working perfectly. I use it with the 
chroot option. rsync works, sftp works, but scp does not. scp complains: 
"unknown user 10001" 10001 is the correct user id. I am thinking that I have 
just left something out the the chrooted area that it needs, but I can not 
figure out what. usr/bin/id, usr/bin/groups, usr/bin/scp are all there. Any 
thoughts about what might be wrong?


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