[scponly] scpjailer woes

Tony J. White tjw at webteam.net
Wed Jan 21 16:59:55 EST 2004

> Nice! Thank you. Very cool. I reduced your two lines to one with:
> ln -s libexec /home/scponly/usr/lib

That gave me an idea.  In the latest scpjailer, I changed it so that 
instead of creating directories and symlinks to the files directly, it 
just sets up 4 symlinks that point most everything to 'bin' (which
is where scpjailer puts all its files).

These links are (in relation to the chroot dir):
ln -s bin libexec
ln -s bin lib
ln -s . usr
ln -s . local

I'm hoping this will work better than trying find the right sshd_config and
parse the path to sftp-server from that.  This method should also allow the 
copying of scpjailer home dirs from one system to another.


To upgrade existing dirs that have been created with setup_chroot.sh or 
scpjailer-0.1, you just just be able to run 'scpjailer --skip-config /the/dir'.


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