[scponly] scponly bug with '+' in filenames

Thomas Wana thomas at wana.at
Fri Feb 20 19:17:20 EST 2004

Sven Hoexter schrieb:

>On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 10:28:55PM +0100, Thomas Wana wrote:
>>Hi there,
>>got this bug in today - seems like a bug in scponly.
>>Can someone of the developers look into this, please?
>can be fixed but it's always the question if we need "+"
>in filenames and if it's a good idea to allow them.
>Take a look at scponly.h and the #define ALLOWABLE
Well it's a matter of discussion (or taste) wether to include the "+". I
personally would opt to allow any character that can be in a unix
filename, for consistency.

The Debian package will allow the '+' from the next package release on,
and I would be happy if you'd also include it in the official tarball 
(or, even
better, allow any valid filename character)



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