[scponly] Re: scponly debian package.

Sven Hoexter sven at timegate.de
Thu Oct 23 23:01:40 EDT 2003

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 09:02:58PM +0200, Thomas Wana wrote:


[scponly und chroot on linux]

> I would need someone to port the script to Debian to include
> it in the package. This issue also pops up every now and then
> on the scponly mailing list, but upstream seems to be really
> lazy about that (perhaps he isn't using any Linux at all). 
> Perhaps I find the time to do it on my own, but the chances
> are rather slim, got a lot of work to do for my studies :-(
We had several proposals to solve this issue on this list but
nobody got his hands on it. If you really think it's needed
do it. That's the normal way how open source works.
> If you need the script I'd like to redirect you to the
> scponly mailing list archives (can be found from the scponly
> homepage) and search there. There are some scripts posted
> there (or at least some links) but they are by no means 
> perfect and don't have the quality to be included in the 
> package; they are hacks.
IMHO it's useless to provide a scponlyc binary in a package
cause everybody has own wishes where the chroot enviroment
should be build up. Other points are that systems change.
That is also the case in the Debian unstable and testing
branchess so there is no good way to ensure that all lib
names fit.

          Das Weihnachtskonzert
               COMBO GUANO
23.12.2003, Saal Norhausen Lev. Rheindorf

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