[scponly] RE: scponly - openssh symlinks..

wbr oblyr joe at sublimation.org
Sun Mar 30 16:57:40 EST 2003

Hello Sylvain,

If I am understanding you correctly, I think i can help with some more
information.  There are two things to note about using chroot for non-home
directory installations:

1) you can set a user's home directory to something other than /home/foo.
you can set it to be whatever you like, on whichever filesystem you want.
(you probably knew this already.)

2) in conjunction with #1, there is another feature of setting a user's
home directory, specific to scponly.  you can specify the home directory
as follows:


(or whatever)

the // is a token that marks the division between the chroot dir
specification and the directory within the chroot to chdir to after login.

so, in the example scponly would:
	- chroot to /bigdisk (which contains .ssh)
	- chdir to guest, which contains the files you want to share

in this way, users can be automatically chdir'ed into a directory they can
write too.

i hope this helps,

ps - thanks to Stefan Sami-Soueiha <stefan.sami at gmx.de> for his patch that
does this feature.


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On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Sylvain Bolduc wrote:

> Hello,
> I've found out that rssh seems to be able to chroot to a different directory other than the user home directory.
> (This is configurable using by using a conf file on a user basis)
> The good thing, is the public key authentication still happening first inside the user home directory. (not breaking .ssh)
> This is pretty nice to have, since I don't require symlinks anymore.. It's probably nicer to security...
> I've just tested it, and it seems to work fine!
> But my problem with rssh ,  is it's NOT supporting winscp, and breaking some scp commands !@!!
> Any idea if you could implement this "variable" chroot feature into future scponly releases ?
> Sylvain Bolduc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sylvain Bolduc
> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 3:57 PM
> To: 'joe at sublimation.org'
> Subject: scponly - openssh symlinks..
> Hello,
> I'm presently using your openssh "restricted shell" called scponly.
> (It's really a must for openssh ftp users...!
> I'm setuping an openssh ftp server with public key authentication and some shared folder's
> My problem is I need to have distinct home directory for having public key auth support and to chroot the user in.
> If I chroot the user, I lost access to the shared folders. (even with symlinks)
> Is it possible to chroot with symlinks support ?
> Thanks.
> Sylvain Bolduc
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