[scponly] scponly compiled packages

wbr oblyr joe at sublimation.org
Sat Jun 21 04:22:42 EDT 2003

Hello all,

i've noticed that there are a couple people actively maintaining
precompiled installation packages for a number of platforms.  this is
great stuff for those users who prefer installing cryptographically
assured installation binaries instead of building from source.

before i go scouring the websites of various popular platforms, i was
hoping some of those package maintainers were on this list and would be
able to tell me the best place to link from the scponly homepage.  i'd
like to just have a better grasp of which precompiled binaries were
available and offer linkage from the scponly site(s).

so if you guys are aware of which package management systems have a
scponly package, i'd love to hear from you.



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