[PRL] FW: TALK:Wednesday 10-12-05 Why software sucks and what to do about it

Paul Steckler paul.steckler.ctr at metnet.navy.mil
Thu Oct 6 13:46:20 EDT 2005

This may be of interest!

-- Paul

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From: seminars-bounces at lists.csail.mit.edu
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Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 6:13 AM
To: seminars at csail.mit.edu
Subject: TALK:Wednesday 10-12-05 Why software sucks and what to do about it

Why software sucks and what to do about it
Speaker: Scott Berkun
Host: Daniel Jackson
Host Affiliation: CSAIL

Date: 10-12-2005
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Refreshments: 3:45 PM
Location: G449 (Patil/Kiva)

No one makes bad software on purpose. No programmer has ever sat intending
to frustrate people or make them cry. But we've all used our share of bad,
even evil, software. Why does it happen? What do programmers, designers and
leaders need to know to make decent, good or even great software? This fun
and interactive talk diagnoses the main causes and then goes beyond the bad,
exploring how good and great things are made.

Bio Scott: Scott Berkun is a project management and product design
consultant. He worked at Microsoft from 1994-2003, on Internet Explorer 1.0
thru 5.0, Windows and MSN. Since 1998, Scott has been writing about
management, leadership and software development at www.scottberkun.com. His
first book, The Art of Project Management www.artofpm.com), has been an
amazon.com and O'Reilly best seller, selling over 20,000 copies since its
release in May 2005.

Relevant URL(S): 
For more information please contact: Maria C. Rebelo, 3-5895,
mr at csail.mit.edu

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