[Pl-seminar] PL-related talk at Harvard (today!)

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Apr 23 13:36:50 EDT 2009

Sorry for the short notice...  --Mitch

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From: gioia at pacific.harvard.edu
To: colloquium at seas.harvard.edu
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 08:00:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Colloquium] REMINDER: Prof. Johannes Gehrke - Cornell University
my.harvard calendar reminder:

Event Information:

Date        : 4/23/2009
Start Time  : 04:00 PM
End Time    : 05:30 PM

Title       : Prof. Johannes Gehrke - Cornell University
Description : What Can Database Systems Do For Computer Games?

Databases have the stigma of an association with (boring) enterprise data
management. The area of database research, however, has developed a wide set
of concepts and techniques with applicability much beyond exam questions
about departments and employees.

In this talk, I will show how the idea of declarative processing from
databases can be applied to computer games. I will describe our journey from
declarative to imperative scripting languages for computer games, and I will
introduce the state-effect pattern, a design pattern that enables game
developers to design games that can be programmed imperatively, but
processed declaratively. I will then introduce Scalable Games Language
(SGL), our scripting language for games, and I will outline how database
techniques can be used to process SGL resulting in performance improvements
of an order of magnitude or more compared to standard scripting languages.

Speaker:  Johannes Gehrke is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Computer Science at Cornell University. Johannes' research interests are in
the areas of data mining, search, data privacy, complex event processing,
and applications of database and data mining technology to marketing and the

Host: Prof. Greg Morrisett

Location    : Maxwell Dworkin G-125
URL         : www.seas.harvard.edu/cscolloquium
Phone       : 617-495-2919
Calendar    : Computer Science Colloquium Series

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