[Pl-seminar] volunteers for future NEPLS?

Shriram Krishnamurthi sk at cs.brown.edu
Tue Sep 5 17:39:38 EDT 2006


It's time to start thinking about future NEPLS events.  Right now the
2007 calendar is wide open.  Would anyone like to volunteer to host?

It looks like we have run through all the institutions in the NE area,
so it's time for past hosts to step forward and host again.  Please
consider doing so if you haven't hosted in 2-3 years.  To jog your
memory, here's the list of past events:

2000-12-07  	Brown University
2001-02-20 	Boston University
2001-05-29 	Williams College
2001-10-05 	Sun Microsystems
2002-02-22 	MIT
2002-08-07 	Yale University
2002-10-15 	WPI
2003-02-28 	University of Connecticut
2003-06-06 	University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2003-10-21 	Brandeis University
2004-02-24 	Northeastern University
2004-06-04 	University of Vermont
2004-10-08 	Harvard University
2005-02-25 	Boston University
2005-06-24 	Williams College
2005-10-27 	Brown University
2006-03-02 	Sun Microsystems

If you can host, please indicate any tight constraints you might have
(eg, "can only host in the summer").


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