[Pl-seminar] Report from the Scheme Language Steering Committee

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Mar 7 16:43:04 EST 2006

Scheme Language Steering Committee Report to the Community

March 7, 2006

Since the last report of the Steering Committee, a number of important
changes have taken place.

First, Marc Feeley and Manuel Serrano have resigned from the Editors
Committee.  We have accepted their resignations with regret, and with
gratitude for the efforts they have expended to produce a revised
Scheme standard. 

In light of these changes, the Steering Committee has amended the
Charter to:

(a) change the number of Editors from seven to five.

(b) replace the office of Editor-in-Chief by a Chair and a Project
Editor.  The Chair is responsible for organizing meetings and other
activities and ensuring that the process makes progress in an orderly
fashion.  The Project Editor is responsible for producing
standardization documents.

The five editors have chosen their Chair and Project Editor.  They

Chair: Kent Dybvig
Project Editor: Mike Sperber

The Editors Committee has now produced a progress report, which is
available at schemers.org.  In it they state their intention to
deliver to the Steering Committee a complete draft R6RS by September
1, 2006.

The Steering Committee looks forward to receiving their draft.

Alternate links to the Editors' Progress Report:


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