[Pl-seminar] Semantics Seminar Schedule

Mitchell Wand wand at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Jun 28 15:47:22 EDT 2004

NU Programming Languages Seminar
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Room 366 West Village H (http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/directions.html)

Kanren: A declarative logic programming system

Oleg Kiselyov, FNMOC

Kanren is a declarative logic programming system with first-class
relations embedded in a pure functional subset of Scheme. The system
has true unions, fair scheduling, lexically-scoped logical variables,
set-theoretical semantics, and high performance without cuts.  The
talk will present the main ideas of Kanren and focus on the proof of
the mirror theorem, which may be stated (in pseudocode, not Kanren!)

(mirror nil) = nil
(mirror (cons a d)) = (cons (mirror d) (mirror a))
(mirror (mirror l)) = l

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