[Pl-seminar] FW: English O'Reilly OCaml Book Now Online!

Paul Steckler steck at ccs.neu.edu
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 11:33:55 -0500

The announcement below may be of interest to persons on this list.

[Yours truly translated Chapter 20.]

-- Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruchira Datta [mailto:datta@Math.Berkeley.EDU]=20
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 1:23 PM
To: translators@pauillac.inria.fr
Subject: English O'Reilly OCaml Book Now Online!

It is my great pleasure to announce that the first fruits of the
_Developing Applications with Objective Caml_ translation project are
online!  Please go to=20


where the preliminary version of the English translation of this seven
hundred-odd page book is available for your viewing pleasure! =20

This translation is the product of an unprecedented effort by roughly
sixty volunteers worldwide.  What is it about Objective Caml that
so much devotion in so many people?  Now is your chance to find out!  If
you've just been waiting for an English book to introduce you to this
amazing language, this one explains everything you need, including=20
OCaml's fundamentals, accompanying tools, and support for software
architecture and concurrency & distribution.  Replete with extensive
examples, it will be of interest even to experienced OCaml aficionados.

As mentioned above, this is a preliminary version.  Some solutions to
exercises have not been translated and some proofreading needs to be
done.  So please excuse any glitches you find, and promptly bring=20
them to our attention by emailing the translators' list:


Please feel free to tell us as well if our prose is unclear or awkward.
are eager to hear your comments, questions, and criticisms, so we can
give OCaml the book it deserves.

Note that the book is based on OCaml 2.04, the version current when
the original French was being written, although an appendix explains
the new features of OCaml 3.04 relative to that version.  Since=20
OCaml 3.04 is fully backward-compatible with OCaml 2.04, all the
example code should work with this version (or indeed any version
from OCaml 3.00 on).  But if you experience any problems in this
regard, please bring them to our attention.

We must thank the authors--Emmanuel Chailloux, Pascal Manoury, and
Bruno Pagano--as well as O'Reilly, for the monumental task of
producing this book in the first place, as well as their generosity
in approving this translation project and allowing it to go online.

We must especially thank Xavier Leroy for his tireless efforts.  Besides
translating two chapters, he has been the sysadmin of the project and
also undertaken some of the most tedious tasks of the translation.  I
personally don't understand how he does it---I would have thought just
leading the Ocaml team would have been more than enough work for
We all owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

Please join me in a virtual round of applause, thanking all the
volunteers for all their hard work to bring this translation to
the light of day!  Well-done!

Ruchira Datta

On behalf of the volunteer translators and proofreaders: