[csu540-f05-rpf] Working example of executable jars with subdirectories

Robert Futrelle futrelle at ccs.neu.edu
Sat Sep 17 12:24:35 EDT 2005

In the jars page, at:


I've added a link to the archive item for the note below,
the one I just sent. Such links to mailing list archive items can
be handy. You can use them too.

  - RPF

>Self-contained notes by R P Futrelle on jarring, 9/17/05.
>The numbered lines are command line
>commands and what they returned.
>(Done on my Mac, *not* checked on Solaris, sorry.)
>There are three points to note:
>A. The java source is in a package.
>B. An executable jar is made for that class in the package.
>C. A second jar is made that contains a Readme and also
>    the original jar (nested jars, if you like).
>Slightly edited trace of the command line,
>in the directory FullProject --
>  1 FullProject: cat Readme.txt
>  2
>  3 RPFutrelle 9/17/05
>  4 There are TWO jars.
>  5 One is made from the folder mypackage
>  6 and references a MainClass: mypackage.HelloInPackage
>  7 The other is made from the enclosing FullProject folder.
>  8 None of this organization is made to be exemplary.
>  9 It is only done to illustrate some of the various things
>10 that can be done.
>12 FullProject: ls -R
>13 Readme.txt   full.mf     mypackage/     run.mf
>15 ./mypackage:
>16 HelloInPackage.class  HelloInPackage.java
>18 FullProject: jar cmf run.mf run.jar mypackage/
>20 FullProject: ls
>21 Readme.txt  full.mf     mypackage/  run.jar     run.mf
>23 FullProject: jar tf run.jar
>26 mypackage/
>27 mypackage/.DS_Store
>28 mypackage/HelloInPackage.class
>29 mypackage/HelloInPackage.java
>31 FullProject: java -jar run.jar
>32 Hello from mypackage.HelloInPackage
>34 FullProject: ls
>35 Readme.txt  full.mf     mypackage/  run.jar     run.mf
>37 FullProject: jar cmf full.mf full.jar run.jar Readme.txt
>39 FullProject: jar tf full.jar
>42 run.jar
>43 Readme.txt
>Line 12 shows the full contents, including in the mypackage folder
>The class HelloInPackage starts with the line:
>package mypackage;
>so it's in the mypackage package and properly, in a folder of
>the same name.
>Line 18 shows the jarring to produce a runnable jar, run.jar,
>using  manifest file run.mf:
>Manifest-Version: 1.0
>Created-By: 1.5.0_02 (Apple Computer, Inc.) and RPF
>Main-Class: mypackage.HelloInPackage
>Line 23 shows the contents of run.jar
>Line 31 shows that the run.jar is executable, in spite
>of the subdirectory involved, mypackage/
>Line 37 creates another jar, full.jar which has as its contents
>only the run.jar and the Readmet.txt.
>Its manifest file, full.mf, is vanilla:
>Manifest-Version: 1.0
>Created-By: 1.5.0_02 (Apple Computer, Inc.) and RPF
>Line 39 asks for the contents of the new full.jar,
>which is as expected (Lines 40-43)
>For completeness, here's the source of HelloInPackage.java:
>package mypackage;
>  * Can be used in executable jar w. MainClass mypackage.HelloInPackage.
>  * For class CSU540, Computer Graphics, Fall 2005
>  * Northeastern U., Boston, MA
>  * @author R P Futrelle
>  * @version 1 9/17/2005
>  */
>  public class HelloInPackage {
>	public static void main(String[] args){
>		 System.out.println("Hello from mypackage.HelloInPackage");
>	 }
>  }
>Note on spelling: Google says "jaring" is slightly preferred over "jarring"
>which I have used.  English pronunciation suggests that "jaring" would
>rhyme with "scaring" (scare) but "scarring" would be pronounced as in scar.
>So I'll go with the 'proper' English for now. Check answers.com if
>you're curious.  I have a nice answers.com plugin such that I can highlight
>any word in almost any app and some command keys will pop up the answers.com
>window for that word  - nice.
>csu540-f05-rpf mailing list
>csu540-f05-rpf at lists.ccs.neu.edu

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