[Colloq] Talk Title: Policing 802.11 Misbehaviors with Commodity Access Points | Speaker: Paul Patras, University of Edinburgh | Date/Time: Wednesday August 9 at 2:00pm Location: 366 WVH

Walker, Lashauna la.walker at northeastern.edu
Wed Aug 3 14:39:26 EDT 2016

Title: Policing 802.11 Misbehaviors with Commodity Access Points
Speaker: Paul Patras, University of Edinburgh

Date/Time: Wednesday August 9 at 2:00pm
Location: 366 WVH

This talk will introduce a policing scheme that enables Wi-Fi access points to effectively counteract selfish channel access practices and preserve fairness in such networks. By exploiting the fundamental role of acknowledgement frames in the re-transmission mechanism implemented by the 802.11 protocol, this approach drives misbehaving users into fair operation without requiring co-operation with standard compliant clients. Experimental results with a prototype developed on commodity wireless hardware will demonstrate this solution tackles a broad class of misbehaviours, does not unnecessarily penalise heavy but legitimate flows, and inadvertently alleviates unfairness caused by physical capture.

Paul Patras is an Assistant Professor and Chancellor's Fellow in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. Previously he was a research fellow at the Hamilton Institute of the National University of Ireland Maynooth and received his Ph.D. from University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. In 2010, he was a visiting researcher in the Networks Group at Rice University, USA. He is co-chairing ACM WiNTECH 2016 and has served on the programme committee of several conferences, including IFIP Networking, IEEE PIMRC, and IEEE WoWMoM. His research interests include performance optimisation in wireless networks, network protocols and architectures, prototyping and test beds.

More details at http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ppatras/

Thank You.

LaShauna Walker
Events and Project Coordinator
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
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