[Colloq] Title: Data mining in the IoT era: practical examples and a peek into future developments | Speaker: Prof. Michele Rossi, University of Padova, Italy | Date: Wednesday, April 27th (today) Time: 2pm Location: Dana 442
Walker, Lashauna
la.walker at neu.edu
Wed Apr 27 09:26:30 EDT 2016
Date: Wednesday, April 27th (today)
Time: 2pm
Location: Dana 442
Title: Data mining in the IoT era: practical examples and a peek into future developments
Speaker: Prof. Michele Rossi, University of Padova, Italy
Abstract. After a decade of studies, theoretical and applied research, wireless sensor networks are entering our lives in a very real way, in the form of the so called Internet of Things. Examples are the increasing number of sensors in cars, home appliances, intrusion detection / smart parking systems and wearable devices. Initial challenges were related to the design of transmission and networking technologies, so that the information could be sensed, transmitted and eventually gathered for further distribution and processing. Nowadays, most of these communication challenges are solved but additional problems are to be addressed, especially in the domain of data mining and its use within networking protocols and applications. In this talk, we review some recent research developments and discuss the importance of discovering patterns and relationships in the sensed data. As a first example, we discuss data gathering in distributed sensor fields, where the aim is to measure spatio-temporal signals with sufficient accuracy, while saving as much energy as possible. We then move on to wearable technology, where signal processing is key to understanding user activities and concoct human-centered / assisted living applications. We finally introduce a possible way forward for the design of next-generation IoT systems, where protocol elements are adapted following a cognition-based approach, taking inspiration from how living beings deal with complexity and scalability. This approach develops around the application of machine learning techniques, unsupervised learning and probabilistic generative models to cope with data representation, model learning and decision making.
Bio. Michele Rossi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI), University of Padova (UniPD), Italy.
His research interests are centered around stochastic modeling, optimization and protocol design for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT). He has authored more than 100 scientific papers published in International conferences, book chapters and Journals, mainly of the IEEE, two patents (with DOCOMO) and he has been the recipient of four best paper awards from the IEEE. Since 2005, he has actively supervised the research activity on Internet of Things (IoT) within the Signet group @ DEI. In 2005-2009, he has collaborated with the Ubiquitous Networking Research group @ DOCOMO Euro-Labs (Munich, Germany) in the design of distributed processing, storage and data dissemination for ad hoc networks (Network Coding and Compressive Sensing). Since 2010, he has been working with Worldsensing (http://www.worldsensing.com/) on optimized WSN solutions for Smart Cities and environmental monitoring, this collaboration continues nowadays through the involvement in the H2020 MSCA SCAVENGE ITN. Since 2002, Dr. Rossi has been involved in numerous EU projects on WSN/IoT such as EYES (protocols for energy efficient WSN, 2002-2005), e-SENSE (protocols and architectures for WSN, 2004-2007), SENSEI (WSN as enablers of the future Internet, 2007-2010) and SWAP (Marie Curie, Symbiotic Wireless Autonomous Powered systems, 2010-2014). In 2010-2013, he has been the technical coordinator of the protocol design activity (WP3) carried out in the EU IOT-A project (the flagship FP7 EU project on Internet of Things Architectures,
2010?2013) and has been senior Marie Curie researcher within SWAP.
Since 2010, he has been the Principal Investigator of six research projects, including MOSAIC ("MOnitoring Sensor and Actuator networks through Integrated Compressive Sensing and data gathering", 2010-2012), a SAMSUNG GRO award on biometric signal processing for wearable IoT devices (2014-2015), the H2020 MSCA project SCAVENGE on cellular networks exploiting ambient energy (2016-2019) and the IoT-SURF project on software libraries and processing tools for connected and unconnected IoT objects (2016-2017). He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, has been on TPC of 80+ international conferences and serves as reviewer for scientific Journals of the IEEE, ACM, Springer and Elsevier. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Thank You.
LaShauna Walker
Events and Administrative Specialist
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
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