[Colloq] Reminder (TODAY): Talk title: Understanding Engagement with mHealth Technologies | James Clawson, Georgia Institute of Technology | 3/17/16 1:30-2:30pm 366WVH

Walker, Lashauna la.walker at neu.edu
Thu Mar 17 08:51:19 EDT 2016

Talk title: Understanding Engagement with mHealth Technologies
Speaker: James Clawson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Date: 3/17/16  Time: 1:30-2:30pm  Location: 366 WVH

Talk title: Understanding Engagement with mHealth Technologies

There has been an explosion in the use of mobile devices over the past two decades. As these devices become cheaper, more powerful, more intelligent, and more usable, they are increasingly influencing many aspects of our lives on a daily basis. An ongoing challenge is how to design mobile technologies that people can meaningfully and efficiently use throughout different everyday contexts. One of the most exciting opportunities for mobile technologies moving forward is the integration of mobile devices into patient facing healthcare. Supporting the patient outside of the clinic with the goal of increasing patient engagement with their health, improving healthcare delivery, and encouraging everyday health and wellness has the potential to transform not only the way that healthcare is delivered but also the way mobile devices are utilized on a fundamental level.

In this talk, I will describe over a decade of research exploring how people engage with mobile and wearable technologies, investigating the possibility for these technologies to have a profound impact on chronic disease management, and understanding the potential for long term sustainability and adoption of mobile devices into everyday health and wellness activities.

With a background in wearable, on-body, and mobile human computer interaction (HCI), Dr. James Clawson designs, deploys, and evaluates mobile and wearable systems that address complex health challenges. He takes a mixed methods human-centered approach to designing and deploying novel interactive prototypes that he evaluates both in the laboratory and in long- term "in-the-wild" studies. In his dissertation research, he focused on improving mobile input, exploring new wearable and on-body interaction techniques, and designing and evaluating novel ways to support collocated groups of mobile users engaged in face-to-face conversations. As a post-doctoral researcher, he explores the future of mobile health by assessing the adoption, use, and abandonment of wearable health tracking technologies and by designing and deploying mobile technologies to support breast cancer patients over the course of their cancer journey. He is also interested in community and environmental health and is currently leading a deployment of a neighborhood-scale air quality sensor network that will be used to educate and engage a local community in a dialog about their environmental health.

Thank You.

LaShauna Walker
Events and Administrative Specialist
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
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