[Colloq] Talk: Security and Privacy for Emerging Large-scale Mobile Systems | Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH | December 11, 2015 11am-12pm 366WVH

Walker, Lashauna la.walker at neu.edu
Fri Dec 4 09:27:18 EST 2015

Title: Security and Privacy for Emerging Large-scale Mobile Systems
Speaker: Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH
Date: December 11, 2015
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: 366 WVH

Title: Security and privacy for emerging large-scale mobile systems


Versatile wireless networking and mobile computing platforms, expected to be everywhere, transform our environments and processes into Œintelligent¹ ones. For example, Vehicular Communication (VC) systems can interconnect a new breed of on-board units that exchange vehicle and road condition information, making transportation safer and more efficient. Or, Participatory Sensing (PS) systems, leveraging broad user participation and smart phones with increasingly rich sensing capabilities, can provide measurements of unprecedented quality practically from everywhere - without dedicated sensor deployment.

However, to reap the benefits of such systems, it is necessary to secure their operation and protect the privacy of their users. Security is necessary, for example, to control the access to PS tasks, or to ensure the authenticity of VC messages. At the same time, PS and VC users should be rightfully concerned with their privacy:

submission of sensed data, frequent transmission of vehicle information, or location-based queries, they all reveal location and other sensitive user information. In this talk, we discuss how to make such emerging large-scale mobile systems trustworthy. We primarily look at PS security and privacy, including a system to ensure PS-ed data trustworthiness. We connect to related recent developments for VC systems, notably identity and credential management; and briefly link to decentralized privacy protection for location-based service (LBS) users.


Short bio:

Panagiotis (Panos) Papadimitratos earned his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 2005. He then held positions at Virginia Tech, EPFL and PoliTo. Panos is currently an Associate Professor at KTH, where he leads the Networked Systems Security Group. His research agenda includes a gamut of security and privacy problems, with emphasis on wireless networks. Web page: www.ee.kth.se/nss<http://www.ee.kth.se/nss>

Thank You.

LaShauna Walker
Executive Assistant to Dean Carla Brodley
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
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