[Colloq] Hiring talk by Jan Vitek on Feb 26, time TBD, 366 WVH

Francoise Niang fniang at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Feb 3 15:28:45 EST 2014

Host: Matthias Felleisen 

		R3---Repeatability, Reproducibility and Rigor
		             Jan Vitek
			 Purdue University 

Computer systems research spans sub-disciplines that include embedded systems, programming languages, networking, and operating systems. In this talk my contention is that a number of structural factors inhibit quality systems research. Symptoms of the problem include unrepeatable and unreproduced results as well as results that are either devoid of meaning or that measure the wrong thing. I will illustrate the impact of these issues on our research output with examples from the development and empirical evaluation of the Schism real-time garbage collection algorithm. Solutions that focus on fostering repeatability are being adopted by a number of ACM conference under the name of Artifact Evaluation Committees or AECs. These AECs provide positive feedback to authors that take the time to create repeatable research. 

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